The NRF24L01+ module is one of the famous wireless RF module for makers. There are tones of tutorials uses this module for wireless communication.
While it is popular and compact, it's not beginner friendly with the 3.3V operating voltage and 2x4 header pins. This Breakout board with socket will help beginner or student a lot in using the NRF24 module.
This breakout board is designed for NRF24L01+ user, comes with 2x4 socket that enable direct plug and use of NRF24L01+ module and break the IO out to 6-way straight header pin with proper label, easier for hookup with jumper wires. Not to forget, there is a AMS1117 3.3V voltage regulator to allow Vin of 4.8V to 12V, and is capable of delivering maximum 1A of current. Quite handy for NRF24L01+ as it will need that extra current during wireless communication. There is a power indicator LED too.
Now you can power the NRF24L01+ from 5V of Arduino, and since the data communication pins are 5V tolerance, it is easier to use it with Arduino :)
The breakout has a 2×4-pin female header that mates with the nRF24L01+ module. These pins mirror the connections made on the 1×6 header and 1×2 power header. Be sure to observe proper orientation when inserting the module into the adapter. The module extends off the end of the adapter and not over it.
Note: NRF24L01+ module is not included.
- NRF24L01 or NRF24L01+ module breakout adapter
- On board 3.3V regulator that is able to provide sufficient current to NRF24 module
- Arduino and Raspberry Pi compatible
- The module has a 2-pin male header for making power connections:
- GND – Ground. Connect to ground on microcontroller or separate power supply if used
- VCC – 4.8-12V. May be powered off the 5V from the microcontroller or a separate power supply.
- The module has a 1×6-pin male breakout header for making connections to the microcontroller:
- CE – Chip Enable. Sets whether module is in RX or TX mode.
- CSN – SPI Chip Select
- SCK – SPI Clock
- MOSI – SPI Slave Data Input
- MISO – SPI Slave Data Output
- IRQ – Maskable Interrupt
- Dimension: 26mm x 21mm x 12mm
- 1 x Breakout for NRF24L01 with Socket